
Modern technologies in open permanent MR systems

Date posted: 23/05/2024 10:16 AM

Fujifilm is one of the leading market players in open permanent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems, with over 9,000 systems installed worldwide. Since introducing its first system in 1983, Fujifilm has continuously developed patient- and eco-friendly open MRI product lines, with field strengths ranging from 0.2T to 0.4T, continually improving both hardware and software technologies to meet the imaging diagnostics market trends and healthcare facility requirements.

The imaging diagnostics market increasingly demands MRI models with superior and cost-effective technologies. Open MRIs with permanent magnets are becoming a trend due to their efficiency and market responsiveness. These systems are continuously enhanced, from hardware to software, to support modern clinical applications. Solutions once only available in high-field MRI systems are now also present in open MRIs.

In 2021, Fujifilm introduced two new MRI systems: AIRIS Vento (0.3T) and APERTO Lucent (0.4T), equipped with the SynergyDrive software package. This includes AI-driven automation solutions and machine learning, along with faster signal acquisition and reconstruction methods, reducing scan times by 30-40%. This allows for additional pulse sequences or increased spatial resolution while maintaining standard examination times.

The IP-RAPID technology, also known as subsampling or Compressed Sensing, significantly reduces scan time by reducing data acquisition, applying iterative reconstruction, reducing noise, and improving image quality. This technology is not limited by anatomical region or pulse sequence, allowing expansion into clinical applications such as background suppressed brain arterial imaging, T2* weighted research, and abdominal imaging.

SynergyDrive supports the automation of the scanning process with options like AutoPose, which automates the positioning of imaging planes, ensuring consistency between scans and accelerating the process, and AutoExam, which fully automates the process of imaging the brain, from 3D TOF arterial imaging to MIP reconstruction and ADC mapping, saving time and minimizing errors.

The RADAR technology reduces motion, blood flow, or patient breathing artifacts, applicable to various anatomical regions and pulse sequences. RADAR is particularly useful for imaging patients afraid of confined spaces or pediatric cases without the need for sedation.

Fujifilm's open MRI systems also excel in a rich variety of clinical applications. 3D T1 and T2 weighted pulse sequences allow for three-dimensional studies with isotropic voxels, useful for assessing brain tissue and lesions post-contrast agent administration, aiding accurate lesion sizing and localization by physicians.

In orthopedic research, additional fat-suppressed 3D gradient echo sequences help generate precise images of cartilage and joint structures. The open structure of MRI systems also enables dynamic assessments of joints and the spine, facilitating the diagnosis of shoulder joint issues in ABER positions.

Fujifilm's open MRI systems are not only technologically advanced but also patient- and environmentally friendly. They do not use water for cooling gradients, do not rely on helium gas for maintaining magnetic fields, and consume less power than high-field systems. With continuous improvements and wide applications, Fujifilm plays a crucial role in enhancing global imaging diagnostics quality and healthcare.