
Echelon Smart - the intelligent 1.5 Tesla

Date posted: 23/05/2024 10:07 AM

Fujifilm is at the forefront of developing patient-friendly, healthcare professional-friendly, and environmentally-friendly magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) systems. The ECHELON Smart MRI system with a 1.5 Tesla magnetic field intensity is evidence of technological breakthroughs, providing high-quality imaging, low operating costs, and diverse clinical applications.

ECHELON Smart is equipped with SynergyDrive technology, enhancing data acquisition speed and automating the scanning process, reducing scan time without compromising image quality. Lightweight coils reduce the need to change coils between anatomical regions or patients, facilitating convenience for technicians.

The SynergyDrive software package includes AutoExam, a tool that fully automates the process of imaging the brain and knee joints. With just one button press, the entire process from positioning, data acquisition, post-processing to image transfer to the PACS system occurs automatically. The AutoPose feature supports automatic positioning for regions such as the neck, chest, lumbar spine, and shoulder joints, minimizing positioning errors and ensuring reproducibility for subsequent scans.

SmartSPEED and IP-RAPID technologies, the latest versions of Compressed Sensing, utilize iterative reconstruction to remove background noise REALISE Plus, reducing examination time by up to 30% without compromising image quality.

This improves patient comfort, especially for those in pain or with limited mobility, and allows for additional pulse sequences or additional patient scans.

ECHELON Smart integrates SmartQUALITY, providing a range of essential clinical applications for neurological examinations, orthopedic trauma, vascular imaging, and whole-body scans. This technology includes isotropic pulse sequences, contrast-enhanced imaging, and dynamic arterial imaging with or without contrast agents, T2 and T2* mapping, ensuring excellent image quality and short scan times.

RADAR and BeamNavi technologies enable comprehensive abdominal imaging without breath-holding, crucial for pediatric and breath-hold-challenged patients. REALISE Plus also allows for open-coil brain imaging, ensuring patient comfort without the need for closed-coil head imaging.

ECHELON Smart is equipped with SmartECO system, reducing energy consumption during idle time. Some system components will be turned off to save energy, reducing operating costs. The system can be installed in a small space, and technical equipment can be placed on a different floor, optimizing space utilization in the MRI area.

Thanks to advanced technologies, ECHELON Smart not only provides reliable and excellent diagnostic imaging quality for radiologists but also is patient- and environmentally-friendly. This system provides convenient conditions for technicians' work and is cost-effective for investment units, contributing to improving healthcare quality.